A few weeks ago, I starting watching this series from the beginning again, with Ben. Tomyabsolute delight, he likes it! Re-watching this series also inspired me to start baking. A few weeks ago, I attempted a blackberry pie. It looked beautiful but the filling was off. Tonight, I made Cup-Pies, miniature, single-serving pies! I decided to make apple, since I had snagged 2 large Fuji apples this afternoon at the store.
The filling:

The Cup Pies, right before putting them in the oven:


I was pretty excited they came out so well. Definitely room for improvement, but not bad forthe first go-round. Ben was pretty excited to eat his, which is a pretty big deal, for anyone who knows him--he hates anything sweet! He was very sweet to try them. He's always my #1 supporter, no matter how ridiculous.

Also, please ignore the funny looking hair-cut. I had...let's call it an unfortunate episode at the Paul Mitchell Beauty School. Albeit, it was my first bad experience there, I wasnonetheless very upset by it. Still trying to figure out how to make it look decent. Sigh.
Dee wanted in on the action. She pleaded with us to give her a cup-pie, stating they must be for her since they were, after all, her size.